Friday, October 26, 2012

No Sew Superhero Masks!

Next step to accomplish for my superhero kits are the masks. I've got the capes finished from the tutorial below, and now I need some matching masks! And I'm sure you're wondering whose mask is the one all the way to the left. As you know, Superman has no mask BUT if I give masks to three of my nephews and not one, there will be a brawl (and that I just can't handle) so I whipped up a random one that matched his cape. Feel free to do something else for Superman though! For this tutorial, I simply used the template HERE from! However, you all know how I feel about sewing. Therefore, I came up with an alternative using glue.
Things you'll need:
1. 9"x12" Crafting Felt Sheets (I used the colors above)
2. Hot Glue
3. Scissors
4. Black opaque paint marker
5. 4 plastic masks (I got 2 white and 2 black from Joann)
After I used the templates and cut out all of my masks, I began gluing together the extra parts on the Superman and Captain America masks with my hot glue gun. Then, I copied the template's lines for Spiderman and drew the web pattern onto my black fabric marker. Now, when the masks are complete, feel free to keep them as they are (if you just wanted a felt mask) and then thread an elastic band for the back. For me, I needed something a little more durable. I'm dealing with four boys under the age of five here. I simply used the hot glue gun to trace the mask and then gently placed it on the plastic form. It truly was simple, and kind of fun! Leave comments below if you need further explanation and feel free to let me know how yours came out!

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